Réserve naturelle des Prés de la Lienne
The "Prés de la Lienne" Reserve covers the wet meadows of the Upper Lienne Valley in the Hierlot and Odrimont sections of the Lierneux municipality. Many of these wet meadows are abandoned, some of them irregularly used. Public access is free on the paths and marked trails. This reserve has various interests: landscape, historical, botanical, ornithological. The presence of various interesting mammals: the marten, the badger, the muskrat and the beaver. Beavers, which clear the valley bottoms by cutting down trees along the banks, can profoundly change the appearance of the area where they settle. This incredibly dynamic animal can restore wetlands, create new ones and manage them by preventing them from becoming overgrown.
2 signposted walks are possible starting from the village of Hierlot, walking map sold at the tourist office in Lierneux
Spoken languages : Français Néerlandais