ADEPS sports center

Baraque de Fraiture, 6

Tel : +32 8041 88 78

Website :

E-mail :

ADEPS sports center

The ‘Adeps La Station - Avenature and Ski Action’ centre is offering you the chance to enjoy a sporting day out in the great outdoors.

La Station à la Baraque de Fraiture is an ADEPS-run not-for-profit organisation that works in collaboration with two private service providers (Avenature and SkiAction).

We offer schools sports days with programmes adapted to the age of the children:
we welcome a minimum of 20 children, there is no maximum.

from 8 years old: €30.00 per child
from 6 to 8 years (1st and 2nd primary): €12.50 per child

The day will run as follows:
For children aged 8 and over,
An ‘Expert’ activity: Accrobranche (1.30m minimum)
or Mountaincart (1.40m minimum) or Fungames

One or two ‘intermediate’ activities: Discgolf
and or : Archery
and or : ArcheryTag
and or : BMX and/or Trials and/or Mountain Biking
and or: Orienteering
and or : LaserTag

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.
We look forward to welcoming your pupils to our site in the heart of nature.

